Hi there and welcome to my website!
In response to friends and fans from both the U.K. and abroad, this site has been created to keep you up to date with record releases and news of forthcoming events.
If you’d like to check on where I’ll be appearing next, open the “UPCOMING DATES” pages.
To learn a little more about my career to date, click on “CAREER”.
For more personal details, click on “LIFELINES” .
All of my vinyl albums, 45s and CDs are listed in “DISCOGRAPHY”. On this page, you can also find more details of my “Bobby Crush – The Definitive Collection” CD and MP3 compilation..
In addition, I’ve been wading through my personal photo albums and I’ve found pictures from when I was starting out, right up to the present day. These you’ll find in “GALLERIES”.
In the “BOBBY AS LIBERACE” section, you can see what the critics had to say about my foray into straight theatre with the play “LIBERACE, LIVE FROM HEAVEN” featuring photos and reviews from my West End show, which I took to New Zealand for an 8 week tour and a 4 week run at the Edinburgh festival
Finally … if you’d like to get in touch with me, you’ll find an e-mailing form in “CONTACT”. Always happy to hear from friends and fans, both old and new. I can also be found on “Twitter” (@theBobbyCrush) and “Facebook”.
Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy visiting my website and I look forward to seeing you at one of my shows soon.